Sunday, December 28, 2003

Eh, temen2 tyt punya nama
hobbit-nya sendiri2 lho...
Hobbit tuh makhluk kecil, menyerupai manusia ttp lebih kecil. Kalo kamu dah nonton film
The Lord of The Ring, mestinya pada tahu. Nama2
hobbit ini dari nama lengkap kamu yg penulis tahu, sedangkan yg lainnya nama lengkapnya belum apal, kalo pengen tahu contact me, please .... :)
bhayou -->
Mungo Chubb-Baggins of Pincup
andre -->
Moro Danderfluff
wahyu -->
Moro Overhill of Nobottle
wiwin -->
Bungo Moss of Lake-by-Downs
i'a -->
Primula Sackville-Bracegirdle
sheny -->
Orangeblossom Deepdelver of Brockenborings
icha -->
Pansy Goodbody of Brockenborings
agustin -->
Rosie-Posie Foxburr of Loamsdown
om parjo -->
Bodo Sackville-Baggins
Saturday, December 27, 2003

Waaa... pada pulang kampung semua ya....
m'Rinas n Ita...
Udah deh klo ketemu temen se-gank, ya temen2nya
Bibiet itu...
Pada misa malam natal ke-2 jam 8 (yg tugas
K3M, pada pake baju merah, ada jg yg putih (
Sheny n Andre), pada pake topi santa claus merah, sst... punyanya
Bhayou kyen... bandulnya nyala merah n biru...), rame dan kyen pokoknya, puddelly pum... puddelly pum... prum-pum-pum...
O iya besok tgl
4jan kta natalan lagi, natalan wilayah, di sd purwosari, siang. Soalnya paginya kta kedapatan tugas koor misa jam 8 (prime time!) Mulai latihannya selasa kaya'nya, tanya aja By, OK?
C U there guys,
Wishing you Christmas surprises
and lots of sweet dreams-come-true!
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Long time ago in Bethlehem,
So the Holy Bible say,
Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ,
Was born on Christmas day.
Hark, now hear the angels sing,
A new king born today,
And man will live forever more,
Because of Christmas Day.
While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
Them see a bright new shining star,
Them hear a choir sing,
The music seemed to come from afar.
`Now Joseph and his wife Mary,
Come to Bethlehem that night,
Them find no place to born she child,
Not a single room was in sight.
Hark, now hear the angels sing... etc.
By and by they find a little nook
In a stable all forlorn,
And in a manger cold and dark,
Mary's little boy was born.
Hark, now here the angels sings.
Trumpets sound and angels sing,
Listen to what they say,
That man will live forever more,
Because of Christmas Day.
Monday, December 22, 2003

Dearest my Father..
Father in Heaven
i pray for a man that will be a part of my life
a man that really love you more
than everything
a man that lives not for his self but for You
face and physical attraction isn't important
the most important is i want a heart
that really love and thirsty of You
and he must know for whom and for
what he lives..
so his life isn't useless..
someone that have a gentle heart
not only a smart brain
a man that not only love me
but also respect me..
and can warning me when i am wrong
a man that love me not from my strength..
but from my heart..
a man that can be my bestfriend
in everytime and situation
a man that make me feel like a woman
when i beside him
i am not asking a perfect man..
i am asking for the right man..
so i can make him perfect in Your eyes..
a man that need my support for his strength..
a man that need my prayer for his life
a man that need my smile to cover his sadness
a man that need my love, so he could feel beloved..
a man that need me to make his life perfect..
i also ask..
make me to be a woman that can made him proud..
give me a heart that really love You
so i could love him with Your love..
not love him with my love..
give me Your gentle spirit..
so strength not come from my outside, but come from You..
give me Your hands, that i always able to pray for him..
give me Your eyes, so i could see many things in his..
and not the bad one..
give me Your mouth that fulfill with Your words of wisdom and encourage,
so i could support him everyday..
give me Your lips and i will smile at him every morning
and i wish that when finally we meet, both of us can say...:
" how great thou art that You give to me,
someone that can make my life perfect,
i know that You want we meet in the right
time and You will make everything beautiful
in Your time.."
Thursday, December 18, 2003
1. HOOOII... pa kabar semuanya?? wah lama ga diupdate ya? meskipun begitu yang namanya mudika kentungan itu harus
updated terus donk... artinya klo bisa jadilah contoh bagi mudika2 yg lain gitu, ganti... contohnya : meskipun salah 1 dari kita ga ada yg ikut
POPSTARS kaya' kocoran, but jangan salah, di wilayah jadi angg.koor biasa, di luar daerah (katedral-bogor) dia jadi
SOLIST lho... tapi tadi sore dah pulang kampung lagi (
red: piye
A, dah dapet kerja baru blum?)
2. trus yg udah pada nyoba kerja meskipun masih kuliah (not include lecturer asistant) ,
bibiet hi!!, wahyu anak korea, andre juntak, sheny canteek, wiwin keren (hehe..), desi probo(...?), reno organist (or pianist now?). GOOD LUCK ON YR JOB!! GOD BLESS U EV'RYDAY!
3. udah mo 40hari nya
m'wanti tersayang, sebentar lagi,
4. om prj, webnya diupdate lagi ya...
5. halo
d'eta, ana, ratih, devi, winda, m'agustine, m'denok, abi, indra, kembar, ableh, doko, lusi, ...(duh ga apal satu per satu , kaya'nya harus ziarah ato outbound ato kegiatan di luar lagi nih biar kenal temen2 kentungan) PA KABAR ????????? KAPAN KOOR ATO PARKIR LAGI YAAAH?
6. ICHA, lama ga nongol, di boyolali terus, sampai kapan neh di t4 nenek, ato dah dapet "calon" di sana?
7. inga2, besok natal wilayah kita dapet tugas buat dekor backgroundnya, be easy, simple, n looks great, OK?
8. N 4 U ALL, BE COLOURFUL ...... !!