kentungan youth which the people still funny on this day n tomorrow...
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Baju Kesebelasan

Akhirnya pake baju kuning? waaaaa. Soalnya stok baju merahnya ngga cukup ding bwat mencukupi logistiknya kesebelasan kentungan. Gitu ceritanya. Tapi sampai saat ini u/ baju ce nya blum tahu warnanya apa. Cari lagi dong, kk.
Trus ntar ada latihan outdoornya kentungan. T4nya tetep di rumah
reno. Tapinya latihannya di luar gitu. Malem2 lagi. Hii. Pada dateng lho. Ntar malem jam 7 teng. ocle...
Friday, January 30, 2004
Persiapan lomba koor

Tinggal 1 minggu lagi lombanya. Persiapan kentungan? rasanya biasa2 aja tuh. Memang sempet ganti format menyanyi sih pas 2/2 dan 3/2. Tapi gpp. Jalani aja. Keep spirit guys. Akhirnya pake baju merah? yaah... sapa sih yang usul? yg nge-hunt baju kemarin ya? (nge-hunt, kaya di Ragnarok aja..)
Dah pada apal blum textnya?? masa bawa kepekan seeeeehh. hiks..hiks.. eh Inga2 besok rabu gladi bersih lho. Ketemu calon juara 2 kan... hehehe.
Besok urutan ke-duo lho lombanya. Cuek aja deh terhadap segala gangguan yg dihadapi. Katanya juara pilihan umat...
Hidup merah2! Gong xi fa cai!
Friday, January 23, 2004
God's Perfect Plan for Us

I know the plans I have for you,? declares the Lord, ?plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.? Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
I recently had an interesting discussion with a family member who said that he wasn't convinced that God had a perfect plan for every believer. I begged to differ with him. The promise above belongs to every child of God, and it's important that all of us believe it and live each day of our lives as though it's true. If we don't, we are at risk of spending a lifetime trying to figure out where we should go, what we should do and who we should be with. God told the prophet Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV) Our call may be different from Jeremiah's, but it's just as important for us to fulfill our purpose as it was for Jeremiah to fulfill his. We are not called to duplicate or imitate anyone else in this life. We are called to become all that God has destined US to be. When we hand God the "steering wheel" of our lives--giving Him complete control--He begins to unveil His plans for us one step at a time. He usually doesn't reveal the "big picture" to us all at once because we'd either become fearful or have an attitude that says, "Okay, God--I can take it from here!" The Lord knows that we need His constant help, so He wisely encourages our dependence on Him.
So why are so many believers afraid of surrendering themselves to God? Perhaps they are afraid that the Lord would ask them to do something they despise, or something that doesn't fit their idea of success. The truth is that we can never be truly happy or successful apart from fulfilling our God-given purpose. Suppose the Lord created you to be a bus driver. He could abundantly supply all your needs, and fill your life with real purpose and meaning as a bus driver, simply because that's your God-given call in life. But suppose you decide you don't want to be a bus driver--you'd rather be a teacher. So you go through all of the expense and training of becoming a teacher, and you never find true peace, joy or satisfaction because you're living your life doing something that God never created you to do. There's always something missing in your life, and you can't deny the emptiness you feel every time you have to face a new day. The truth of the matter is that because God called you to be a bus driver, He has equipped you to enjoy being one. You surely won't enjoy every aspect of your call, but it doesn't matter so much because you have a deep-down satisfaction in your soul that says, "This feels right for me." Sadly, a lot of believers don't follow their God-given call simply because of what other people might say or think. Then they wonder why they aren't experiencing the abundant life that Jesus died to give them.
Ephesians 2:10 NIV says, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." When God designed you, He equipped you with everything you would need to fulfill your God-given purpose. He's given you gifts and skills that He wants to help you develop over the course of your life. If you ask Him what they are, He'll show you. He may direct you to get some special education or training, or He may not. The key to fulfilling your God-given call is to seek the Lord DAILY. Don't wait until you're at a crossroads in your life, having to make an important decision that will affect your whole future. If you do, chances are that you will significantly delay receiving the rich rewards God has in store for you. Hebrews 11:6 says: "You can never please God without faith, without depending on him. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely look for him." If you live your life depending on God's wisdom, guidance and grace daily, you can count on Him to lead you in the path of His greatest blessings. The truth is that there is NO WAY for us to improve on God's perfect plan for our lives. The sooner we get ahold of this truth, the sooner we can begin cooperating with Him to bring it to pass in our lives--and the sooner we can begin reaping His blessed rewards!
Lord, I believe that You created me for a special purpose, and that You have a perfect plan for my life. I ask that You fulfill Your purpose for me, and help me to do my part by earnestly seeking You daily through prayer and Your Word. Thank You that as I seek You each day, You will "guide me along the best pathway for my life"! (Psalm 32:8 NLT)
Monday, January 19, 2004

sabtu 17jan kentungan koor pernikahan lagi. Yg manten mbak sama masnya yg pernah latihan koor bareng di t4nya
reno dulu. Memakai formasi
4-4-4-2 yg di luar dugaan juga. Soalnya
d'eta katanya ujian, e ga tahunya dateng. Trus
lukas yg di sekolahannya pd layat jd ga ada pelajaran (jd lektor akhirnya...). Solisnya
andre n putri (pake baju putih n jeans biru, jadian ya?). Lagunya ada yg baru pas sungkeman, jd ya rada2 rendet, terutama yg ce2.
Abis koor trus pinjem CD foto2nya mudika kentungan pas mbikin gua natal dulu, trus pas parkir, dan terakhir pas natalan mudika kemarin dari
digital camera-nya
wahyu n reno. Thx 2 u... Hasilnya bisa dilihat pada update-nya foto2 mudika di bagian pictures. Selamat menikmati...
Besok minggu sore jg tugas koor lagi je... gpp yo, tgs karya bakti sekali2 tampil mudika full (+
ableh cs...) ok?!
C U ev'ry wednesday n friday.............
Monday, January 12, 2004
Parkir minggu pagi 11 jan 04 :

- Mo beli karcis di tpt
ari koster ndak tahunya abis... akhirnya dipas-pas deh bw yg misa j 8.
- Yg pada parkir:
bhayou, andre, wiwin, ableh, konyul, handoko, ratih(plg ayu dewe), daru, wahyu. ada yg lain lg ga?
- stlh parkir spt biasa.... diputusken ke mie ayam bakso deketnya
mbak denok. +om prj n awit (klo kamu anaknya siapa
wit :p ?)
- yg lainnya pada ada acara. ada yg persiapan arisan
ex-SAFA. ada yg punya acara lain lagi. jadinya
ratih ce sendiri. gpp ya
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Natalan khusus mudika 2003, jumat 9 jan 04, 18.30wib, di tpt indra,dkk :

- ceritanya sie kesejahteraan & makan2 mudika (red:
baru nih...) ngadain acara kumpul2 yg tyt ada acara makan2nya juga lho! hehe... (
dilestarikan yah). Peminatnya lumayan banyak. Datang dari berbagai penjuru kentungan. Dimulai dari
om prj yg omong klo kita tuh mo ikutan lomba koor antar wilayah tgl
7 feb (klo ga salah..). Nah makanya para prajurit kentungan nih, mudika terutama, dikerahkan segenap potensinya utk mengikuti event ini. Yah target sih
ngga harus juara I, juara favorit pilihan penonton targetnya :) Mendengar itu sgr-lah diatur pembagian suaranya.
Ableh, cs. yg didapuk jadi bas sibuk berlatih dg.nada sol-nya..
SOL!(...) ... ngebass man!
om prj-manager.
mas wiwid-coach.
or putri??)
Latihan tiap rabu n jumat di tpt pak nono, dimulai rabu depan. OK OK?! Sol...
- sesi foto2 pun ga ketinggalan, pake digicam-nya
reno, langsung masuk TV deh. online!
Picture of the month? ada bbrp nominasi seh...
wahyu 3 nominasi,
i'a 1 nominasi,
bhayou 1 nominasi,
om prj 2 nominasi,
ratih 2 nominasi
Foto2nya besok ya, di-
burning di CD dulu, klo bisa ya bareng foto mudika yg dulu2 .....
Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Hoorrey.... pada akhirnya natalan wilayah jadi juga. Yaaa lumayan sukses deh "
team pembangunan"-
handoko, agus, konyul, indra n temennya, ndaru, koko, gede, wahyu, lukas, om prj, bibiet, dll. dan "
team acara"-
i'a, bayu, sheny, dll.
- Bagi2 donk doorprize-nya, ade nyang dapet dua ye... makanya klo mo dapet jgn pilih2 nmr, pilih nmr yg pertama, ok?! yg dapet piring n gelas bisa nih makan2nya ...:p trus yg dapet dasi (
mbak agustine), hayo bwat sapa yah?? ya sapa lagi dong..
- Anyway 4
i'a, u're the real MC, salute! more than words...
Maria-nya sudah balik ke kandang blum ya. Katanya kemarin pergi sama
malaikatnya :) -->
the stories of christmas cage without an angel n mary statuette,iks
- Bwat temen2 yg lain,
merry christmas to you all, Jesus loves u forever!
- Koornya pas tgs j 8 gitu deh. Pada kecapekan ya? kehabisan suara kelihatannya...
si andre dicari2 juga koq ndak dateng, jadi deh basnya ga ada, alhasil lagu
tuhan kk (natal) sejenak vakum :) gpp, jgn lihat koornya, tp lihat solisnya dong...
- Trus ini ada tambahan foto dari
bhayou, andre, n mbak agustine pas
Konser Rohani 2003 : RINDU CINTAMU bareng
VoxAngela choir, Budi Ngurah Orchestra, Nikita, dll. di
Gedung Societet Concert Hall, 15 November 2003. Di-
support dong, jadi dubesnya kentungan lho...
Saturday, January 03, 2004
Alfabet Sukses

Menurut pakarnya, manusia sukses tidak cuma dari
IQ saja. Peran
EQ (Emotional Intelligence) pada kesuksesan bahkan melebihi porsi
IQ. Seorang pakar
EQ bernama Patricia Patton memberikan tips bagaimana kita menemukan dan memupuk harga diri, yang disebutnya alfabet keberhasilan pribadi.
Yuk kita lihat apa maksudnya :
A : Accept. Terimalah diri anda sebagaimana adanya.
B : Believe. Percayalah terhadap kemampuan anda untuk meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup.
C : Care. Pedulilah pada kemampuan anda meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup.
D : Direct. Arahkan pikiran pada hal-hal positif yang meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.
E : Earn. Terimalah penghargaan yang diberi orang lain dengan tetap berusaha menjadi yang terbaik.
F : Face. Hadapi masalah dengan benar dan yakin.
G : Go. Berangkatlah dari kebenaran.
H : Homework. Pekerjaan rumah adalah langkah penting untuk pengumpulan informasi.
I : Ignore. Abaikan celaan orang yang menghalangi jalan anda mencapai tujuan.
J : Jealously. Rasa iri dapat membuat anda tidak menghargai kelebihan anda sendiri.
K : Keep. Terus berusaha walaupun beberapa kali gagal.
L : Learn. Belajar dari kesalahan dan berusaha untuk tidak mengulanginya.
M : Mind. Perhatikan urusan sendiri dan tidak menyebar gosip tentang orang lain.
N : Never. Jangan terlibat skandal seks, obat terlarang, dan alkohol.
O : Observe. Amatilah segala hal di sekeliling anda. Perhatikan, dengarkan, dan belajar dari orang lain.
P : Patience. Sabar adalah kekuatan tak ternilai yang membuat anda terus berusaha.
Q : Question. Pertanyaan perlu untuk mencari jawaban yang benar dan menambah ilmu.
R : Respect. Hargai diri sendiri dan juga orang lain.
S : Self confidence, self esteem, self respect. Percaya diri, harga diri, citra diri, penghormatan diri membebaskan kita dari saat-saat tegang.
T : Take. Bertanggung jawab pada setiap tindakan anda.
U : Understand. Pahami bahwa hidup itu naik turun, namun tak ada yang dapat mengalahkan anda.
V : Value. Nilai diri sendiri dan orang lain, berusahalah melakukan yang terbaik.
W : Work. Bekerja dengan giat, jangan lupa berdo'a.
X : X'tra. Usaha lebih keras membawa keberhasilan.
Y : You. Anda dapat membuat suatu yang berbeda.
Z : Zero. Usaha nol membawa hasil nol pula.
Bagus, khan?
Berita Natalannya tunggu aja, ok?! Good luck to our decoration works ...
- Trus latihan terakhir kemarin ada pemecahan rekor lho... yaitu dari
alto, 9 mudika eh mudiki
vs sopran 3 orang. Hmm... keep rame !
- Akhirnya
I'a tampil sbg solis juga... cuma gak di bogor lagi tapi di depan publik tuan rumah, home sweet home... kapan giliran
d'eta yah?
- Pada ganti HP nih mudika, yg penting style-nya ya? Duh yg baru punya HP juga (...) eh hati2 lho, bisa kena sirip hiu-nya itu tuh... Dicari juga hp second, level 3310, kualitas bagus, hubungi mudika kentungan.
Thursday, January 01, 2004

Hi there...
Happy.....Hour eh Happy New Year ya...
May your heart be filled with lots of little reasons to celebrate-at the New Year and always.
Sayang malamnya ga ada misa di kotabaru, so ga jadi keluar bareng deh...
Gimana malam tahun baru kalian? OK ngga? Keluar apa di rumah aja?
Di rumah aja juga asik lho, ntah sendirian aja atau sama someone special. Sedia makanan kecil, trus naik ke balkon/atap rumah, trus nonton kembang api yg lumayan byk di sekitar rumah...
Persiapan Natal wilayah besok minggu?
Ga tahu byk sih, yg pasti
Indra+Handoko lagi buat dekor+tulisan gabus, trus
Wahyu urusan dokumentasi lagi nyari kamera digital klo ada (siapa yg punya ya?),
By persiapan MC(...), yg lain blum keliatan.
Mudika mo ngisi acara apa ya?
Besok minggu tugas koor misa jam 8 juga lho. PRIME TIME! Harap datang pas latihan terakhir
jumat, 2jan 04 di tempatnya Reno. Klo ngga dateng rugi lho, kemarin kayanya ada yg ultah, jadi yg latihan ada syukuran makan2nya....waaa.....
Icha gak tahu pulangnya kapan, masih di perantauan, so gak bs ikutan tugas besok minggu.
Sheny had move on her work, mo tahu? tanya sendiri yg bersangkutan deh...
Andre juntak ke Solo berkumpul bersama keluarga. Trus
mudika2 junior (Devi, Winda, Katrin, Lusi, sama anaknya bu Miar (lupa namanya..) kemarin latihan vokal lho, belajar melatih suara ceritanya, harus dong....jangan kalah sama juniornya wilayah lain ya....